Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Practice

We've all been searching.

But the Buddha taught us, we don't have to go anywhere to find the answers.

After 6 years of searching, Siddhartha sat down and stopped. He looked at himself and within himself. He realized he had the answers. At that moment he was no longer Siddhartha – he was the Buddha.

You too have the answers.

Stop. Sit. Observe.

You have to teach yourself how to observe without distraction. The greatest distractions come from ourselves.

We teach and train ourselves to quietly observe. that is meditation.

It's a practice. Not an overnight fix. Not a one time does it.

We teach ourselves to be still and centered and aware.

We practice being still and centered and aware.

Buddhism is a practice. It's something we do.

We still ourselves.

We center ourselves.

We practice awareness.

Not easy. Not hard.

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