Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Song of Sadaparibhuta Bodhisattva

I look to your example, Sadaparibhuta. I aspire to learn your way of never disparaging or underestimating any living being. With great respect, you say to all you meet, “You are someone of great value. You have Buddha-Nature. I see this in you.” I will look with a wise, compassionate gaze, so I will be able to hold up a mirror where others can see their ultimate nature reflected. I will remind people who feel worthless that they too are a precious wonder of life. I will water only the positive seeds in myself and others, so my thoughts, words, and actions can encourage confidence and self-acceptance in all of us, in our children, in our loved ones, and in everyone we meet. Inspired by the knowledge that everyone is Buddha, I will practice your way of patience and inclusiveness so I can liberate myself from ignorance and misunderstanding, and offer freedom, peace, and joy to myself, to others, to our society, and to all species.