Sunday, December 28, 2014

Discovering Meditation

If you don't have a meditation practice and have thought about it but were never quite sure how to start, there's something you can try.

Everyday for two weeks, everyday without fail at the same time and in the same place, sit for three minutes.

Make sure your phone is quieted. Make sure you will not be disturbed.

Use a timer. There are timer apps for your phone. You can find meditation timers online. Sit the timer for three minutes.

Do nothing else but sit.

Sit comfortably. But sit up as if at an important meeting. Sit with dignity. Don't lie down.

Sit and follow your breath. Be aware of your breath.

Be aware of your in-breath.

Be aware of your out-breath.

When you realize you have become involved in a thought or a sound, return your awareness to your breath.

Do this at the same time, in the same place for fourteen days. Don't miss a day. Three minutes.

After the fourteen days, share your adventure.

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