Wednesday, December 24, 2014

An Answer to a Question

Buddhism teachers there is no creator god. Siddhartha (the Buddha) was born into a Vedic society. Vedism is pre-Hindu. Multi-gods. The Buddha taught a way of teaching he referred to as Expedient Means. That means you meet the person or people you are teaching wherever they are in their life journey. If they have gods, work with that knowledge.
If a theist were to ask the Buddha if there is a god he would say, no.
If an atheist were to ask that question, the Buddha would answer, yes.
From the point of view of Buddhism, it does not matter.
The Buddha also taught two other import ideas Dependent Origination, and Cause and Effect.
Both of these state that everything in existence depends on everything else (Dependent Origination). And everything exists because of other causes and conditions (Cause and Effect).
A wooden table exists because of a tree, the tree exists because of the sun, the sun exists because of the fusion of certain atoms.
Back to you inquiry. Because Buddhism is a non-theistic tradition, wherever it goes is is able to absorb or be absorbed by the local religion. In Korea Buddhist temple have a shrine to the Korean mountain god. In Thailand Buddhist people have shrines in their homes to the local nature spirits.
It is the same in the West. I know a couple where one is a Buddhist and one a Catholic. On their home altar there is a stature of the Buddha and a statue of the Virgin Mary.
In the West many have combined physics and psychology with Buddhism. If it works, it works.
Do not make Buddhism your idol. Buddhism is a set of tools. Use them to help you deal with the First Noble Truth. Use the tools to help to confront the Three Poisons of Greed, Anger, and Delusion.
If you were to go back in time, say 5000 years, anywhere on the planet where there were people, you, with your knowledge of the 21st Century, might be thought of and looked upon as a god.
The Buddha did say if the many deities that people turn to do exist, they are simple another form of life that are still ruled by birth and death. They may live a long time , but they will die.
Believe in them or not – it does not matter.
All that the Buddha said is there is no Creator.
There was once a young man who, every morning, would worship the gods of the four directions. The Buddha told him a better thing to do was to look to the north and honor your parents, look to the east and honor your teachers, look to the south and honor your spouse and children, and look to t he west and honor your employer or employees.
Or something like that. I'm retelling the story from memory.
I'm an atheist. Most people at the temple are atheists. Most Buddhist I know around the state and country are atheists. Some are not. Some believe in the Abrahamic god. Some believe in the Hindu gods. Some believe is in the New Age idea that the Universe is god.
Please ask me more if I have caused any more questions. I am a teacher. This is what I do.

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