Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Kalahavivada Sutta (The Discourse on Quarrels and Disputes)

"From where come
    Quarrels, disputes, despair, and sorrow?
    As well as selfishness, pride,
    Conceit, and malicious speech?
    From where have they come? Answer us, please."

"From what is cherished
    Come quarrels, disputes, despair, and sorrow,
    As well as selfishness, pride,
    Conceit, and malicious speech.
    Quarrels and disputes are tied to selfishness.
    Maligning others arises with disputes."

"Where is the foundation for what is cherished in the world
    And for the greed that operates in the world?
    Where is the basis for the hopes and aims
    People have for a future [state]?"

"Desires are the foundation for what is cherished in the world
    And for the greed that operates in the world.
    This is the basis for the hopes and aims
    People have for a future [state]?"

"Where is the foundation for desire in the world?
    And from where have arisen
    Judgments, anger, lies, uncertainty,
    And the mental qualities spoken of by the Renunciant?"

"Desire arises on the pair
    This world calls 'agreeable' and 'disagreeable.'
    Seeing the becoming and nonbecoming of appearances
    A person creates judgments in this world.

"When these pairs exist, so do
    The states of anger, lies, and uncertainty.
    Whoever is uncertain should train in the way of knowledge,
    For it is from having known that the Renunciant spoke of mental states."

"Where is the foundation for what is agreeable and disagreeable?
    What must not exist for these to occur?
    Tell me where is the origin for whatever is meant by
    'Becoming' and 'not-becoming?'"

"[Sense] contact is the foundation for pleasantness and unpleasantness;
    With the nonexistence of contact these don't occur.
    This is the basis for whatever is meant by
    'Becoming' and 'not-becoming.'"

"Where is the foundation for contact in this world?
    From where does grasping arise?
    With the nonexistence of what does selfishness not occur?
    With the nonbecoming of what does contact occur?"

"Contact is dependent on name and appearance.
    Longing is the basis of grasping.
    When longing doesn't exist, selfishness doesn't occur.
    With the disappearance of appearances, contact doesn't occur."

"Associated with what do appearances disappear?
    How do pleasure and pain disappear?
   Tell me this;
    I am motivated to know how they disappear."

Appearances disappear when
    Not conceiving concepts,
    Not conceiving false concepts,
    Not nonconceiving,
    And not conceiving disappearance.
    This is because conceiving is the basis of conceptual differentiation."

~The Atthakavagga, verses 862 - 874, as translated by Gil Fronsdal

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