Saturday, April 1, 2017

Freedom Is Not Freedom If One Is Forced Or Intimidated Or Coerced In Any Manner

Practitioners of the Buddha-Dharma need to be careful when we express a Teaching or an idea. Practitioners, Believers, Followers of other traditions need to be careful when they express an idea from their Path.

Always remember everyone must make up their own mind, make their own decisions.

Freedom is not freedom if one is forced or intimidated or coerced in any manner.

It's been said the difference between religion and spirituality is a religious person is trying to avoid hell, a spiritual person has already been there.

Buddhism is not a thing to be loved. That makes an idol. Buddhism is a set of tools to be utilized.

It's very difficult to change an idol when necessary. The Buddha, when he stood up from under the Bodhi Tree, did not create a list of 'does and don'ts'. He responded to situations as they arose.

If the tools the Buddha suggested do not work for you, try something else.

If the tools the Buddha suggested work for you, utilize them.

If you disagree with someone, that's fine. But do not denigrate another person's chosen religious or spiritual path. When you denigrate you have stepped off the Path.

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