Saturday, October 11, 2014


God is a supernatural being believed by some people to have created the universe and who should be feared and worshipped. This being is usually said to be all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful. The Jewish and Christian god is referred to by the name of Yahweh, that of Sikhism, Sat Nam, and of Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazdah. Hindus worship god under many names and forms, Siva and Visnu being two of the most popular.

Buddhism denies the existence of a supreme God for three reasons. (1) God's supposed attributes contradict each other. If God is all-loving and all-powerful, Buddhists ask, why is humankind so often afflicted by disease, disaster and deprivation? (2) Belief in God is not necessary. Buddhism teaches that morality can be pure and vigorous, that life can be meaningful and that the origins of the universe can be satisfactorily explained without having to introduce the notion of God. (3) All evidence used to prove God's existence could easily be interpreted in other ways.


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