Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Fish and the Tortoise

A very long time ago, outside the great city of Varanasi, where the Ganges River and the Jumna River come together, two fish met.

The Ganges fish said to the Jumna fish, "You are a most attractive fish."

The Jumna fish replied, "Thank you. You too are certainly a beautiful fish."

"But," the Ganges fish added, "as all know, the fish of the Ganges are always more beautiful than the fish of the Jumna."

"You must certainly be joking," laughed the Jumna fish. "It is well known that the fish of the Jumna are vastly more attractive and desirable than the fish of the Ganges. And, as you yourself can see, I am certainly a fine example of that."

"Outrageous!" exclaimed the Ganges fish. "You, more attractive than me?"

So the argument as to who was the most beautiful fish went on with no resolution in sight. Finally the two fish saw an old tortoise sunning himself on a rock by the riverside. They decided to take there unresolved discussion to him.

"Excuse us, wise elder tortoise," the Ganges fish said. "We're having a dispute that we can't resolve."

"Please help by stating which of us is the most beautiful," the Jumna fish said.

The old tortoise looked at them both, in turn, very thoughtfully, and most carefully. Then slowly he replied, "Jumna and Ganges fish are both certainly very fine. But, for true beauty I would look for a tapering neck, four firm feet, a body round like a spreading Banyan tree, small round eyes, and richly textured and wrinkled skin. Yes, I would have to say to find true beauty you would have to use me as an example."

"You rascal!" declared the Ganges fish. "You haven't answered our question at all, but only talked about yourself."

"And we both find you most ugly," the Jumna fish quickly added.

"You are no help at all," both fish declared.

Realizing no resolution was possible when it comes to the nature of beauty, the three surrendered their argument and each went their separate way.

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