Monday, March 25, 2013

Avocado Reuben

This recipe is for one sandwich. Because the recipe uses half an avocado, when you make the sandwich make two and invite a friend to table.

2 slices of rye or pumpernickel bread
Mustard of choice
Thousand Island Dressing (The better this dressing, the better your sandwich.)
1/4 cup of sauerkraut, drained (Use the type in the plastic bag. Do not ever use sauerkraut that contains vinegar. I love vinegar, but sauerkraut is made wit two ingredients only: cabbage and salt.)

Spread one slice of bread with some mustard and the other slice with some of the dressing.

Lightly oil a saute pan. Place the pan over medium heat. When the pan and oil are hot, place the bread slices, dry side down, in the skillet.

Top one with the avocado and the other with the sauerkraut.

Grill the bread until lightly browned, about five minutes.

Put the halves together, slice in half, and serve with potato salad and a sour pickle.

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