sense consciousnesses that see, hear, smell, taste and feel tactile
sensations, and the gross mental consciousness, function actively
while we are alive. When one is dying, they cease to function and are
absorbed into the subtle mental consciousness.
subtle Mind bears the imprints (vipaka) of the actions (karma) we
have done with all the tendencies, preferences, abilities, and
characteristics that have been developed and conditioned in this
death, the subtle Mind leaves one body, enters the intermediate state
and re-establishes itself in a fertilized egg in another body at the
moment of conception, the gross sense consciousness and the gross
mental consciousness reappear, and the person again sees, hears,
thinks, and so forth.
subtle Mind which goes from one life to the next, is a constantly
changing phenomenon. It is not considered to be a soul or real
personality. Thus the individual is reborn and develops a personality
conditioned both by the mental characteristics that have been carried
over and by the new environment. The personality will change and be
modified by conscious effort and conditioning factors like education,
parental influence and society. At death, it re-establishes itself in
a new fertilized egg.
process of dying and being reborn will continue until the conditions
that cause it, craving and ignorance, cease. When they do, instead of
being reborn, the Mind attains a state referred to as Nirvana, which
is release from all suffering.
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