Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Principles of Training

To live is to act, and our actions can have either harmful or beneficial consequences for ourselves and others. Buddhist ethics are concerned with the principles and practices that help one to act in ways that help rather than harm. The core ethical code is known as the Five Precepts. These are not rules or commandments, but 'principles of training', which are undertaken freely and put into practice with intelligence and sensitivity.

Buddhism acknowledges that life is complex and throws up many difficulties, and it does not suggest that there is a single course of action that will be right in all circumstances. Indeed, rather than speaking of actions being right or wrong, Buddhism speaks of them as being skilful or unskillful.

1...Refraining from killing or causing harm to other living beings.
This is the fundamental ethical principle for Buddhism, and all the other precepts are elaborations of this. The precept implies acting non-violently wherever possible, and many Buddhists are vegetarian for this reason. The positive counterpart of this precept is help, compassion, loving-kindness.

2...Not taking what is not freely given.
Stealing is an obvious way in which one can harm others. One can also take advantage of people, exploit them or manipulate them - all these can be seen as ways of taking the not-given. The positive counterpart of this precept is generosity.

3...Avoiding sexual misconduct.
This precept has been interpreted in many ways over time, but essentially it means not causing harm to oneself or others in the area of sexual activity. The positive counterpart of this precept is contentment.

4...Avoiding false and harsh speech.
Speech is the crucial element in our relations with others, and yet language is a slippery medium, and we often deceive ourselves or others without even realizing that this is what we are doing. Truthfulness, the positive counterpart of this precept, is therefore essential in an ethical life. But truthfulness is not enough; our speech should be kindly, helpful, and harmonious.

5...Abstaining from drink and drugs that may cloud the mind.
The positive counterpart of this precept is mindfulness, or awareness. Mindfulness is a fundamental quality to be developed along the Buddha's path. Experience shows that taking intoxicating drink or drugs tends to run directly counter to this.

Many Buddhists around the world recite the five precepts every day, and try to put them into practice in their lives.

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