Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Buddha and the Brahman

A Brahman saw the Buddha meditating by a river. He approached the Buddha and asked him a question.

"What caste are you?" the Brahman asked.

"Caste is irrelevant," the Buddha answered.

"How so," asked the Brahman. "Surely you would agree that Brahman and royalty are of considerable worth whereas peasants and commoners are not?"

"Caste and riches matter not," replied the Buddha, "it is one's conduct that matters."

"How so," asked the Brahman.

"As fire comes from any type of wood so can a wise person come from any caste. It is through the knowing of truth that one becomes noble not through caste. The noble one is the one that doesn't cling to unworthy attachments. The noble one realizes the true way that things are, he no longer thinks of himself as a self and thus has gained clarity."

"You are truly wise," said the Brahman.

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