Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Ten Bodhisattva Precepts

1...Not to kill or encourage others to kill.

2...Not to steal or encourage others to steal.

3...Not to engage in licentious acts or encourage others to do so.

4...Not to use false words and speech, or encourage others to do so.

5...Not to trade or sell alcoholic beverages or encourage others to do so.

6...Not to broadcast the misdeeds or faults of the Buddhist assembly, nor encourage
others to do so.

7...Not to praise oneself and speak ill of others, or encourage others to do so.

8...Not to be stingy, or encourage others to do so.

9...Not to harbor anger or encourage others to be angry.

10...Not to speak ill of the Buddha, the Dharma or the Sangha or encourage others to do

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