Monday, September 5, 2016

To Think and Behave as a Buddha

The Practice of the Buddha Dharma is not confined to studying the sutras and commentaries. It's not confined to learning about Buddhist principles and performing Buddhist rituals. It's not limited to chanting and bowing and lighting incense.

The Practice of the Buddha Dharma is the development of a more pure and calm mind.

The Practice of Buddhism is to think and behave as a Buddha would in everything we do. The practices are tools to help us achieve this quality.


By daily reminding ourselves by means of the practices that while all of us have many shortcomings, we should only be concerned with our own. By understanding causality and not blaming others for the difficulties in our lives. And by realizing all beings experience stress and pain, and only when we awaken can we help them discover freedom from this discomfort.

Ultimately, our practice will enable us to be guided by wisdom, compassion, loving-kindness, consideration, and understanding equally and joyfully for all.

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