Thursday, September 8, 2016

Determining the Validity of the Buddha's Teachings

The Pali Canon

There is a process of reflection in the Sakya teachings of the Path and Fruition (Lamdre) that is helpful in determining the validity of teachings. This tradition speaks of four valid sources of knowledge: the valid scriptures of the Buddha, the valid commentaries, the valid teacher, and one's own valid experience. In terms of the historical evolution of these four factors, one can say that the valid scriptures, those taught by the Buddha, came into being first. Based upon the reading and interpretation of these scriptures, many valid commentaries and treatises evolved, explaining the most profound meaning of the Buddha's teachings. Nagarjuna's work is an example of this. Then, based upon the study and practice of these valid commentaries, certain practitioners may have mastered or actualized the themes presented in the scriptures and their commentaries, and thereby become valid teachers. Finally, on the basis of the teachings given by such teachers, valid experience or realization grows in the hearts of practitioners.

---His Holiness the Dalai Lama---

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