Sunday, March 31, 2013

Who Was Saved?

On a time a wise and holy monk was walking a forest path. Suddenly a deer ran past the old man. The animal sped down the trail in front of the monk.

Moments later a hunter, with a bow and arrow in his hand, appeared running down the path from the same direction the deer had come.

The hunter stopped. “Ascetic, have you seen a deer run down this path?”

“Yes, my young son. I have seen a deer run down this path. It came from the same direction you have come.”

“Thank you, Holy One. Which way did the animal flee?”

The monk pointed into the deep forest to the hunter’s right.

“Seeing you must have frightened the animal,” the hunter said. “He turned and fled into the trees. Thank you once again, Old Monk.”

With that, the hunter left the path and disappeared into the trees.

The monk turned back to the path and continued his journey.

The monk lied. The monk lied to save a Being. For which Being did the monk lie? Who did he save?

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