Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Forms, Concepts, Purposes Are Imposed By The Mind

Astrophysicists use similar language when they talk about creation. All the matter in the universe must have been present in that "primeval atom," supercondensed to an unbelievable degree. In such a state, matter would no longer be possible as matter. It would be stripped down to pure energy, and energy itself would be raw and undifferentiated; variations like gravity and light would not have emerged. Time would not yet be real, for there can be no time before zero; neither would space make sense in the context of a question like, "What was there before the Big Bang?" Physicists reply, like Gertrude Stein, "There's no 'there' there. There's no 'then' then." Space and time, mater and energy, sprung into existence at the moment of creation; "before" that moment the concepts do not apply.

---Eknath Easwaran, in his Introduction to his translation of The Upanishads---

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