Monday, September 1, 2014

The Buddha and the Vedic Priest

One day the Buddha was walking down a country lane. A Vedic priest, a Brahmin, saw the Buddha. The Brahmin regarded the Buddha for a few moments. He was intrigued by the Buddha's bearing; his graceful and thoughtful movements. The very air about the Buddha seemed brighter and clearer.

Quietly the Brahmin approached the Buddha.

After paying his respects the Brahmin asked, "Sir, are you a god?"

"No, Brahmin. I am not a god."

"Then good sir, are you an angel?"

"No, Brahmin. I am not an angel."

"Are you a saint."

"No, Brahmin. I am not a saint."

The priest suddenly became concerned. He took several steps backwards. In a hesitant and lowered voice he asked, "Are you a ghost?"

The Buddha smiled, "No dear Brahmin, I am not a ghost."

"Then you're a man?"

"No Brahmin, I'm not a man."

"Please, sir, please. What are you."

The Buddha looked deep into the Vedic priest's eyes.

"I am awake."

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